City of Flatwoods, KY
2513 Reed Street
Flatwoods, KY 41139
Tel: (606) 836-9661
Fax: (606) 836-4222

Pay Your Utility Bill
Online Payments: Click here to pay your bill. Please note if payment is made by midnight it will be posted to your utility account on the next business day (Monday - Friday) by 9 a.m.. If your account is subject to disconnection for non-payment please contact our office at 836-9661. This is a third party site (Offical Payments) so you must have: your account number, amount to pay, service address, and the name on the account.

Other Payment Options: In person, cash, check payments, and credit card payments will continue to be available during regular business hours, Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.. Credit card payment will require a convenience fee of $ 2.00 for less than $100 and $ 3.00 for $ 100 or more.

Drop Box: The drop box is located in front of the city building by the flag poles.

Automatic Draft:: Have your utility bill auto drafted every month from a checking or savings account. Please fill out the form below and include a voided check to get started. Auto drafts are done between the 13th-15th of each month. Click here to enroll - print the form and fax it to us or drop it off. DO NOT Email personal information.
No Refunds unless error was made during processing.
Processing fees may apply.